Excel's logical operators

So, you've mastered Excel's TRUE and FALSE functions, and are now ready to use them with more complex statements. It's time to learn about logical operators in Excel.

If you aren't yet familiar with the TRUE and FALSE functions, be sure to read our TRUE and FALSE tutorial before proceeding.

Logical operators help Excel evaluate various statements of truth. But the equals sign is just the beginning. We can also evaluate statements using a number of other operators, including greater than, less than, and not equal to.

List of operators

Check out the Excel's full list of operators on the table below.

Operator Meaning Explanation
= Equals Returns TRUE if the two sides of the equation are equal to one another FALSE if they are not.
> Greater than Returns TRUE if the left side of the equation is greater than the right side of the equation and FALSE if it is not.
< Less than Returns TRUE if the left side of the equation is less than the right side of the equation and FALSE if it is not.
>= Greater than or equal to Returns TRUE if the left side of the equation is greater than or equal to the right side of the equation and FALSE if it is not.
<= Less than or equal to Returns TRUE if the left side of the equation is less than or equal to the right side of the equation and FALSE if it is not.
<> Not equal Returns TRUE if the two sides of the equation are not equal to one another and FALSE if they are equal to one another.

Let's look at some examples, which use the less-than, greater-than, and greater-than-or-equal-to, and not-equal signs to pose questions to Excel about the truth of various mathematical statements:

Output: TRUE
Output: FALSE
Output: TRUE
Output: FALSE
Output: TRUE

Operators within more complex formulas

We can also use operators to evaluate truth within more complex formulas. Consider, for example, the following:

=(9 > SUM(1, 2, 3))
Output: TRUE

This formula first evaluates the SUM of 1, 2, and 3, which is 6. It then checks to see if 9 is greater than 6. Since it is, the whole formula evaluates as TRUE.

Here are a few more examples of TRUE and FALSE statements with operators in more complex formulas. See if you can work through each one to figure out why the output makes sense.

=(SUM(5, 5) = SUM(3, 7))
Output: TRUE
=(SUM(3, 9) <> SUM(6, 6))
Output: FALSE
=(AVERAGE(10, 15, 20) >= SUM(10, 5))
Output: TRUE
Once you're comfortable with logical operators, it's time to check out our tutorial on logical functions, where you'll use AND, OR, and NOT to construct more complex logical formulas.

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