Mathematical functions

Mathematical functions provide some of Excel's most basic functionality, allowing you to perform various operations like sums and averages.

  • Excel's SUM function. The SUM function in Excel is one of the program's most basic features, allowing you to add up the values of numbers or cells.
  • Cumulative SUM in Excel. It is possible to perform a cumulative SUM in Excel! In this tutorial, we combine SUM with absolute and relative cell references to get cumulative values.
  • Using SUMPRODUCT in Formulas. SUMPRODUCT allows you to multiply multiple sets of numbers together and add the results. It is a core piece of a number of more advanced Excel formulas.
  • Using the AVERAGE formula in Excel. The AVERAGE formula in Excel allows you to take the average of a series of numbers quickly and easily.
  • Finding a Weighted Average in Excel. Wondering how to calculate a weighted average in Excel? We'll explain weighted averages, then show you how to calculate one using the SUMPRODUCT function.
  • Finding a rolling average in Excel. A rolling average — also known as a moving average — helps you smooth out choppy trends and cyclicality when analyzing data.
  • Using Excel's MAX Formula. The MAX function can be used in a formula to find the highest value within a given set or range.
  • Minimum Values in Excel Using MIN. Minimum values within a set or range are easy to find using Excel's MIN function. We show you how!
  • Using Excel's LARGE Function. Use LARGE to find the second largest, third largest, and kth largest values in an array. Learn how here!
  • How To Use Excel's COUNT Function. The COUNT function is an important tool used to count the number of numerical values in an array. Learn how to use it here!
  • Using Excel's COUNTA Function. COUNTA allows you to count the number of non-blank cells in a range. This useful function will help make your spreadsheets more dynamic. Learn more here!
  • Using Excel's RANK function. RANK allows you to find the rank of a value within a given range. Inside we'll explain how to use the function, including how to break ties!
